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Temat: OZ Marine Jobs / Volunteers.....
HEY i live in pennsylvania but when i was searching for places to study marine life i found James Cook University i looked into and i really wish i could go there casue it looks like a GREAT place!!! but it looked liike they had a really great program so i might try lookin into that if i were you have a great day Nat
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=1817

Temat: G'day
Ok, so im going to James Cook university, Townsville campus, in 29 days to do an 'internal selection program' test, if i pass that ill be in a 'tertiary access course' for 6 months full time study on campus, and then after that i can enter into a bachelor of science and go from there.. it seemed so much more complex before Thanks for your help! Im excited as!!! - Jeremy
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=7488

Temat: Fish key to reef climate survival
...graze on invading plants played a vital role in the health of reef ecosystems. Because sea temperatures are now a lot higher, they are now reaching the thresholds at which coral get into distress "The Great Barrier Reef is still a resilient system... and herbivorous fish play a critical role in that regenerative capacity, by keeping the dead coral space free of algae, so that new juvenile coral can re-establish themselves," said Professor Terry Hughes from James Cook University in Townsville. His research group has conducted experiments which involved building cages to keep fish away from sections of reef. They found that three times as much new coral developed in areas where the fish were present as in the caged portions. Parrotfish in particular use their serrated jaws to scrape off incipient algae and plants. More recently, his team has also identified the rabbit fish - a brown, bland-looking species - as...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6578

Temat: Trouble finding the right school
You guys are so lucky...Hawaii or Florida, sooo much nicer than English waters! Warmer for sure, and much better vis. I would love to be able to study MB somewhere tropical/semi tropical. I'm thinking of moving to a university somewhere a bit nicer for my PhD. BrightJack, i've also looked at James Cook University (visited their website), in Queensland Australia right? It looks amazing. If only.... As for universities in your own continent, theres quite a few messages about them in another post on this forum, check it out if you haven't already! 8)
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=1114

Temat: A World Without Corals?
...of Washington in Palo Alto, California. Dissolved in water, CO2 becomes carbonic acid. Caldeira coined a term for this process in a paper in 2003: "ocean acidification." By midcentury, ocean pH could dip so low that corals would be unable to form their calcium carbonate skeletons. "Acidification is the big elephant in the room," says Terence Hughes, director of the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. Reef building would grind to a halt, with grievous implications. If CO2 emissions are not curtailed, Hughes predicts, "we'll eventually see reefs dominated by sea anemones and algae." Put another way, "soon we'll be having jellyfish and chips," says biologist Michael Kendall of the Plymouth Marine Laboratory in the United Kingdom. In the darkest scenarios, most corals will be toast. A...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=5134

Temat: Where should I go for a semester abroad?
I went to uni at James Cook University (BSc Marine Bio) in Townsville, Australia. Its close to the fabled Great Barrier Reef, the place itself is nice, the campus is great and I would highly recommend doing a semester there..but I don't know if they do exchange student things..so check it out! Good luck!
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=4417

Temat: OZ Marine Jobs / Volunteers.....
What sort of help do you need? What city do you live in in Oz (I call Australia that too, love the place). Have you looked into/contacted/visited James Cook University over there? Top notch school for marine life studies... and where I would try to go if I was there. We have a few other schools in Oz on http://marinebio.org/MarineBio/Careers/INTschools.asp
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=1817

Temat: [Elasmo-l] potential shark conference
...in chondrichthyan science. Proposed meeting venue: Cairns, Australia Proposed meeting date: early June 2010 Organising committee: Colin Simpfendorfer, Michelle Heupel, Cynthia Awruch, Andrew Chin Please feel free to pass this along to anyone you think may be interested. If you have any questions email: SharksInternational@gmail.com Michelle Heupel, PhD Research Director, AIMS@JCU Adjunct Principal Research Fellow School of Earth and Environmental Sciences James Cook University Townsville, Qld, Aus 4811 Phone 07 4781 4519
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=7131

Temat: JCU Scholarships
I have recently graduated in Biochemstry and thinking of applying for a Masters in Marine Biology in James Cook University in Australia. Was wondering if anyone has any info regarding possible scholarships available for UK students??? Thanks Hanna
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=5390

Temat: Fish species plays surprise role in aiding reef recovery
...player in reef recovery after overfishing. In doing so, the study provides insight into the poorly understood—and potentially complex—forces that influence the state of coral reefs under ecological stress. The work appears in the December 19th issue of the journal Current Biology, published by Cell Press, and is reported by David Bellwood, Terry Hughes, and Andrew Hoey of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University. The world’s tropical coral reefs are under threat from overfishing, habitat modification, and global warming. One of the most visible signs of a decline in the condition of coral reefs is the widely documented shift from a healthy state in which corals dominate to a weedy state in which algae (so-called “macro algae") dominate. It has been repeatedly demonstrated that this phase shift can be triggered by a loss of...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=3620

Temat: Launch for amphibian 'life raft'
...et al. 2007). Recent amphibian declines are an opportunity to study the causes of extinction in recent, not ancient, populations." The Amphibian Survival Alliance is supported by: Alliance for Zero Extinction Amphibian Ark Arizona State University Chester Zoo North of England Zoological Society Chicago Zoological Society Conservation International Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂźr Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde (DGHT) Frankfurt Zoological Society IUCN James Cook University Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali, Torino Oro Verde Foundation for the Conservation of Tropical Forests Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Smithsonian Institution Society for Tropical Ecology – gto The Prince's Rainforests Project University of Maryland Washington State University World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Zoo Atlanta Zoological Society of London Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt (and MarineBio!...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=7619

Temat: River Dolphin Closer to Extinction Despite Reports
...impossible for the dolphins to rebound so quickly, because their gestation period is 11 months and the animals generally only have one offspring every two years. There are no dolphins from other areas that could have moved into the upper Mekong River once nets were removed, the researchers added. "It's impossible that the dolphin population would have increased substantially in only one year," said Isabel Beasley, a Ph.D. candidate at Australia's James Cook University who researched dolphins in the Mekong River from 2001 to 2005. "The mortality [in recent years] is too high and 95 percent of dolphins in the river already occurred in the areas where the nets were banned." Dams and Boat Traffic Two to three meters (seven to ten feet) long, the Irrawaddy river dolphin is similar in appearance to the better known beluga whale. Also known as the Mekong River dolphin, the Irrawaddy is found near...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=4707

Temat: Holy Seaweed! Batfish Save Reef
...nibbled disinterestedly at the algae, the batfish (Platax pinnatus) turned up and cleared the weed within two months. "The surprising finding ... was that a different group of fish was responsible for reversing the algal bloom," Hughes said. "Batfish are normally considered to be plankton feeders so we were amazed when we captured on video the effects those fish were having." Chief investigator Professor David Bellwood of the CoECRS and James Cook University said the batfish's voracious appetite for weed saved the coral from being choked to death. "In five days they had halved the amount of weed. In eight weeks it was completely gone and the coral was free to grow unhindered," he said. Bellwood said declining coastal mangroves serve as nurseries for batfish, which are found in reefs around the world. This highlights the need to preserve mangroves and protect these accidental weed...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=3629

Temat: Species under threat as shark fin market grows
...for environmental disaster. Doug Neil is one of a group of divers who are seeking out grey nurse sharks in deep waters around the Solitary Islands Marine Park on the NSW mid-north coast. "It's just like watching them in an aquarium. The only big difference is that you're actually in the aquarium," he said. He takes a dim view of shark fishing. "I think it's disgusting. I think shark fin soup's overrated," he said. Declining populations James Cook University shark researcher Colin Simpfendorfer says there has been a severe decline in the numbers of some shark species. "In fact, they quite often grow slowly, they mature late in life, they have a few number of young every few years and those sorts of thing limit the ability of sharks both to sustain fishing and to recover after fishing is taken away," he said. Federal and state regulations try to keep devastating practices found...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=5979

Temat: The Happy Thread :)
I'm happy because I got accepted for the Marine biology bachelor degree at James Cook University :D
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6367

Temat: Hello, I'm new here
Are you by chance looking at James Cook University in Australia? I want to study my graduate degree there.
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=3937

Temat: Jellyfish researchers find irukandji breeding site
Jellyfish researchers find irukandji breeding site A breeding site for the potentially deadly irukandji jellyfish has been found. Far north Queensland researchers have discovered a breeding site for the potentially deadly irukandji jellyfish. Dr Jamie Seymour from James Cook University in Cairns says his team found the site off Double Island, north of Cairns and collected more samples in two days than in all his years of research. Dr Seymour says the glut of samples may help them learn more about the jellyfish's movements. He says it is a unique discovery. "This is actually a world first to actually find these animals doing their thing at that spot and we're certain it's a breeding spot," he said. "We...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=1390

Temat: Marine Conservation Biology Masters
Interesting, James Cook University is a top school for all things marine down under as far as I know but I haven't actually looked at schools in Perth. I would start with http://www.marinefutures.fnas.uwa.edu.au/ and then http://www.google.com/search?q=perth+universities. Let us know what you find and we wish you the best of luck!
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=7850

Temat: How Many Minkes Are There?
...the minke whale numbers are much larger than the estimated world population of dugongs, which is about 100,000. The number of minke whales killed annually by the Japanese, ostensibly for scientific research, is similar to the number of dugongs killed each year for food in the Torres Strait - about 1000. Many more dugongs are killed for food - or when drowned in fishing nets or hit by motor boats - elsewhere in northern Australia, and in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. James Cook University researcher Ivan Lawler said a university study had concluded that in the Torres Strait, about 100 dugongs a year - 10 per cent of the current harvest - could be taken sustainably. "Indigenous hunting is a pressure on the population that needs to be dealt with," Dr Lawler said. Dugong expert Helene Marsh said six Torres Strait communities were implementing management plans for dugong hunting. "There is scientific...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6629

Temat: Degree thoughts?
I've done a Bachelors for 3yrs and we have Msc for 2 yrs in NZ like Ghandi was talking about. It's a shame India doesn't quite cater to marine biology considering the length of its coastline. If you're thinking of moving to the US, you might want to consider universities downunder although they're far from home. James Cook university in Aus (www.jcu.edu.au), Victoria University (www.vuw.ac.nz) and University of Otago (www.otago.ac.nz) in NZ are good places to start as well.
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6711

Temat: Math and Grad Schools
I would recommend taking through differential equations. As much as triple integrals seem worthless, there is good sense in having a wide base of math, as math is the language of science. An excellent school in Australia is James Cook University. I am considering it for graduate school.
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=3041

Temat: Magnet a day keeps shark away
Magnet a day keeps shark away RESEARCHERS in north Queensland have discovered that magnets can act as an effective tool to ward off sharks, but not necessarily for humans. In what is claimed to be a world-first, scientists from the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries and James Cook University have shown magnets can repel sharks. It is hoped the magnets will keep sharks out of fishing nets set for barramundi. Trials have been conducted in controlled conditions in Cairns. The research team will soon conduct field trials to determine the practical use of magnets in the gillnet fishery. The researchers do not believe the magnetic repulsion will prevent shark attacks on people. Source
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6952

Temat: HI
Ok, sorry about marineboy... let's see, I'd think your best bet would be James Cook University at http://www.jcu.edu.au/school/mbiolaq/ - I'd contact them and see if they can offer you anything in Perth. Other Australian unis to maybe also try are listed on http://marinebio.org/MarineBio/Careers/INTschools.asp and Perth-specific schools appear to be listed on http://www.australian-universities.com/ ... versities/ - not sure if any of those offer what you seek. We have community colleges in the US that sometimes offer...
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=4166

Temat: James Cook University
I am planning on enrolling at James Cook University in Queensland after I graduate from LSU. Has anyone here ever attended to James Cook U or know anything about it?
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=4068

Temat: "Digital skin" to cover Great Barrier Reef
...skin” of sensors that will make possible the finest resolution picture ever of the region’s dynamic systems. In May, the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr, announced the Great Barrier Reef Ocean Observing System (GBROOS), a regional ocean observation network covering the eastern Coral Sea and GBR. GBROOS is a multidisciplinary infrastructure project led by AIMS on behalf of a consortium of agencies including James Cook University, Great Barrier Reef Island Research Stations, University of Melbourne and CSIRO. For more details, please go to: http://www3.aims.gov.au/docs/publications/waypoint/009/headlines-03.html
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6873

Temat: Marine protected areas: it takes a village, study says
...may provide the best protection for species that are at particular risk from overfishing, a combination of such large marine protected areas and traditionally managed systems may represent the best overall solution for meeting conservation and community goals and reversing the degradation of reef ecosystems. Other authors of the study include Michael J. Marnane of the Wildlife Conservation Society; Joshua E. Cinner of the Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University in Townsville, Australia; and William Kiene of Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary in Pago Pago, American Samoa. Wildlife Conservation Society
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=2650

Temat: Northern Beaches - A Photo Essay
Yeah.. our neighbour( aus) has a lot of sun, no doubt about that You should check out James Cook university in Queensland- they have an excellent department in marine biology
Źródło: planktonforums.org/viewtopic.php?t=6587

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